My Story & Vision


Hi, I’m Brittany Schmidt and I am so grateful that you are here.

I am wildly passionate about empowering others to see their truest gifts the way that I see them. My vision is that everyone I meet feels like they have found a new part of themselves and feel lit up with magnetic energy and confidence. My soul’s mission in this lifetime is to create a massive impact with everything I do. Why do I care so much? Because people have been conditioned not to allow themselves to see their truest potential and I am here to break the cycle. Imposter syndrome runs strong and I am here to help using my Psychic Medium Messages, Coaching and pure love for people to steady the ship and ensure those around me have a safe and enjoyable journey on this wild ride we call life.


You may be wondering, how did I get here? My Spiritual and mentorship journey started as a child but I put it away for many years because my gifts felt scary and not accepted. The Universe wasn’t done with me quite yet and they resurfaced in 2013 when my Mother passed away from a major heart attack at our engagement celebration.

I had an inner knowing that something was going to go wrong that I couldn’t quite put my finger on at the time and when she passed, I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was something beyond what we can see with our naked eyes. From there I started to dabble in spirituality by going to different Mediums as a way to connect with my Best Friend who was now in Spirit. It started with signs like her old make and model of a car passing by me often or hearts in everything I crossed or the time we moved into a new house and her favourite song was the first to play on the radio when her sister turned it on. Every single day I would see 4:20 pm (no not the reference you’re thinking haha) on the clock, this was the same time every day that she would call me after arriving home from work. Sometimes I would pick up the phone to call her and she’d already be there and we would have a good laugh. Fast forward to 2020 and we started amid the pandemic. I took a Manifestation Course that blew my mind as I started to learn about the subconscious mind and how it plays a vital role in how we show up in the world. I was HOOKED. From there I read every book I could get my hands on and started to see even the smallest manifestations coming to life right before my eyes.

Signs from Spirit continuously came in hot, money manifesting out of nowhere, job opportunities, meditating and asking for something and it was in my inbox when I got out of meditation in minutes.

The signs from Spirit that I was meant to receive kept getting louder and louder. Then one day I was on a massage table and the lights started to flicker and I received my first message from Spirit. I had this strong pull to ask my therapist if her father was in Spirit and she acknowledged that he was. He said he had to apologize for not being there the way she wanted. She started to cry, her father didn’t come to her wedding and she felt guilty about it. Both of our minds were blown. I discovered I could help others the way Mediums had helped me.

From there I took courses to help sharpen my skills and a few short years later I started to practice mediumship on others as a side passion project. During that time I used my Intuition to guide me to places like becoming a Reiki Master Teacher which taught me how to move stagnant energy, I created an Affirmation and Journal prompt deck to assist others in manifesting their best lives and remembering who they are and how amazing they shine and have started crafting a course to help others LEAN IN - SPARK YOUR SENSES (that the name that I LOVE because it matches my business name. Tuning in has helped me deliver messages from Spirit to countless friends, family members and clients in the last 2 years and I am truly grateful. It is a beautiful gift to share in someone’s journey as they navigate something so complex as grief and I feel truly honored that I have the opportunity to do so. My readings have shifted over time into intuitive guidance as well for those who may not have a loved one in Spirit with whom they wish to speak and it allows me to bring to light different areas of their lives that could use adjusting and help to put them on the path for their highest and best good. It’s amazing to be a channel for such massive change but I did notice a gap…………..When people have experienced traumatic things or been conditioned as a child to believe that they aren’t good enough, or things aren’t possible for them and it comes up in a reading, I was often feeling like there was a part of the puzzle that was missing. How could I help those who are accidentally getting in their own way through their belief system? My passion is bringing people to their highest and best version of themselves but how can I do that with these blockages in the way?

That is when I circled back to the subconscious work that I was initially introduced to with manifestation.

Most people come to mediumship readings looking for hope, how wonderful would it be to give them the tools they need to create the life they want?

So here I am, with my big mission to help those by being of service utilizing my Intuition, teaching others how to Lean Into theirs (My course that is coming out is called Lean In - Spark Your Senses) and guiding people using these amazing subconscious mind techniques out of their own way and into their power of creating the life of their dreams.

I am now certified as a Life Coach, EFT Tapping practitioner, Neural Energetic Wiring practitioner and Hypnotherapist.

I am so excited to use my skills to bring your best to life!



What I Love About Being Intuitive

♡ Spirit is always surprising me with signs, gifts, messages and abundance.

♡ I can feel others emotions and have an inner knowing of what needs to be said or done in their world to bring the highest and best into their realm.

♡ Connecting with my Higher Self and becoming aware of who I want to be and how I want to grow using my intuition .

♡ Being able to share messages from loved ones and help guide them on their most aligned path.

♡ Manifesting, my intuition has helped me manifest and take aligned action in almost all aspects of my life. From creating a multi six figure business to purchasing the right homes, my dream car, aligning with the right people and so much more.

Your intuition speaks to you regularly, all you have to do is listen.